Turkeys and boxes of food for Thanksgiving were given to 50 families, representing 265 people. Two individuals who were unable to leave their homes received prepared meals. Leftover supplies were donated to The Salvation Army food pantry.
The project was a partnership of many local groups. Read more below.
Meijer generously donated, as they have for many years. In particular, we thank Theresa Malloy who has been instrumental in securing the contribution every year.
Cudahy’s Project Concern, South Milwaukee Human Concerns and The Salvation Army in Oak Creek provided the names of families who received the food.
The Salvation Army in Oak Creek provided space to store food, assemble boxes and have families pick them up. Jason did outstanding work with set-up, modifications to the pick-up plan, and supplying coffee and treats on a very cold day.
Criminal Justice students from MATC helped pick up food from Meijer, stood outside during family pick-ups at the Salvation Army, and delivered food to several families without transportation.
Members of the Rotary Club of Mitchell Field, joined by Rob Grede from the Amigos Rotary Club, and four community volunteers helped with planning, calling, assembly and delivery.
Our thanks to all who make this project work like it does.